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The 14-Day Lemon Water Challenges: Benefits and Myths Outlined
The practice of adding fruits, especially lemons and lemon juice, to water has taken the world by storm and everyone is doing it. But does this practice have any benefits? What could you hope to achieve by going on a 14-day lemon water challenge?

In today’s article, not only are we going to outline the benefits of this challenge, but we are also going to show you how BetterMe can help you along.

What Is Lemon Water?

Lemon water is simply made by adding the juice of a lemon (or half a lemon) into a cup of hot/cold/warm water. Depending on your taste, you may also choose to add some zest, honey, mint, or spices to the concoction to make it taste better.

What Are Some Benefits Of The 14-Day Lemon Water Challenge?

● Improved Hydration

Water is an essential part of life and we should all make sure to stay hydrated. In fact, research shows that drinking water helps with hydration, improves athletic performance, helps with body temperature control, improves cognitive function (e.g. psychomotor skills, concentration, alertness, short-term memory, etc.), and influences heart, kidney, and gastrointestinal function, among many more uses.

According to the U.S National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, in a day, men should be consuming about 3.7 liters of water while women should be drinking an average of approximately 2.7 liters of the same.

However, despite knowing all these guidelines and the benefits, many find it hard to constantly hydrate throughout the day– with the most common reason for this being the taste. Adding lemon to plain water gives it a sour taste that many may find appealing to the taste buds.

Good Source Of Vitamin C

The juice of a single lemon has about 18.6 mg of Vitamin C, which makes it one of the top food sources for this antioxidant, alongside other vegetables and fruits such as oranges, bell peppers, guavas, and strawberries. Vitamin C has been shown to help fight free radicals in the body, which are known to cause oxidation that can further lead to chronic illness. It also boosts your immune system by helping the white blood cells function more effectively.

● Rich In Antioxidants

As a citrus fruit, a lemon contains citrus flavonoids known to help fight inflammation within the body. According to a study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, these flavonoids help suppress inflammation, improve heart health, scavenge free radicals, improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, and enhance metabolic health markers. All these help prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, and other chronic health conditions.

Can The 14-Day Lemon Water Challenge Help With Weight Loss?

Probably not. In a study published in 2008 in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, researchers found that in mice fed with a high-fat diet supplemented with lemon polyphenols. These polyphenols helped suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation.
A human study done on overweight Korean women found that a very low-calorie lemon detox diet can help reduce body fat.

With that being said, this in no way guarantees that the 14-day lemon water challenge will help you lose weight. The 1st study, while informative, is still an animal study and does not guarantee the same results in humans. The 2nd human study uses a very low-calorie detox-style diet that is discouraged since such diets have proven to be dangerous when done without medical supervision.

How To Use The 14-Day Water Challenge And Betterme For Weight Loss And Improved Health?

1. Check Out The BetterMe app

As we’ve seen above, lemon water alone is not enough for weight loss. Healthy and sustainable weight loss demands a lifestyle change that requires exercise and a healthy eating plan.

On the BetterMe app, you will find different diet meal plans– all that comes with their calories and macros outlined for you. On the app, you will also find workout programs from the beginner to the advanced level. All exercises come with short instructional videos that show you exactly how each workout should be done. You can also use the BetterMe calorie tracker app to help you eat at a calorie deficit which guarantees weight loss.

2. Get The BetterMe Water Tracker

What better way to keep up with your water intake than an app specifically designed for this? Set up your daily goal and different alarms to remind you to drink up.

The Bottom Line

The 14-day water challenge is great for anyone who wants to improve their health and stay properly hydrated throughout the day. In terms of weight loss, lemon water and this challenge are not miracle workers, however, combining this challenge with dietary changes and more
exercise will do wonders for your weight loss journey.

This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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