Many thanks to TBN & CamFam Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.
What do you all know about homeschooling? Families across the nation are experiencing the homeschool awakening and are beginning to take advantage of the freedom and opportunities for self-discovery — with the world as their classroom!
Homeschooling can truly look so different from family to family. But that’s one of the beautiful aspects! We can all make our family’s homeschooling journey look like what we want and work the way that’s best for our particular families. There’s not just one way to homeschool! Homeschooling families can do what they need to help their children thrive.
Big Misconception-
The biggest misconception some parents have is thinking they can’t homeschool their children. They feel they aren’t equipped. But who could be a better teacher than you, the one who loves your children more than any other teacher could!
Kirk Cameron Presents: The Homeschool Awakening
Join award-winning actor, Kirk Cameron, as he dives into the adventures of dynamic American families on a mission to put fun and faith back into learning. The Homeschool Awakening explores the ins, outs, and honest answers to homeschooling’s most frequently asked questions. You’ll get to learn about the value of homeschooling from a homeschool dad himself: Kirk Cameron!
This film is a breath of fresh air! It really opens the door to homeschooling for many families who had (incorrect) preconceptions about what homeschooling really is. Homeschooling doesn’t hold families back, instead it can offer incredible flexibility and stability for families.
Homeschooling Versus Public School At Home
If you were forced to bring your kids home to school them over the past couple years, that is NOT the same as homeschooling. You didn’t get to choose the curriculum. You didn’t have the freedom of creating your schedule. Your kids had to be on their zoom class at an exact time. Your kids had to check in throughout the day. These stipulations and rigid schedules are the exact opposite of what true homeschooling can offer!
The Homeschool Awakening Film Trailer
Homeschooling Can Be So Beautiful!
Instead of waking at the break of dawn and chasing the bus, your family could be crawling out of bed, snuggling together on the couch, and begin your days together reading your favorite books!
Homeschooling provides our family with so much freedom. We can visit empty libraries and take field trips where we aren’t fighting huge crowds. Our schedule is what we make it and homeschooling allows us to learn together with our kids while we live every day life.
BUY TICKETS To The Homeschool Awakening:
Buy your tickets now to see The Homeschool Awakening in theaters (June 13th & 14th)!
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I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 59 responses.
Homeschooling is not easy and (for me anyways) comes with a lot of guilt about whether you are doing the right thing or not. My biggest tip is to try not to be hard on yourself and staying organized and writing out plans/schedules really helps. There are also so many benefits, my kids are really close and get to learn a lot of life lessons that will really help them out as adults.
I homeschool mine. Sometimes it’s hard to keep their interest.
I homeschool and I’d recommend looking into online programs. I started homeschooling in 2011 and did all the teaching myself with the help of assorted curriculum materials until I discovered online programs. Life has been a lot easier since then. I have graduated 2 kids so far (one is in the military and one is in college).
My question about homeschooling is how to make sure your child gets enough socialization skills with other children
How do you make sure your child gets in to a good college if you homeschool?
Are there resources to find other homeschoolers as well for socialization resasons?
Does homeschool learn your kids what they need to know to get into college?
Do homeschool kids still have to take standarized tests?
Homeschool is not public school at home. You are the best teacher.
I guess my only real question is about how much freedom you have from public school regulations and standardized testing.
I’ve always wondered how parents deal with socializing their homeschooled kids.
How does your homeschool child make friends, socialize and join clubs and sports?
My question is as your kids get older; how do you teach them on subjects you are not familiar with?
One of my questions is if kids need extra services like speech or physical therapy, would that be accessible at their local school.
i always wondered how noe parent manages different grades at once
are there options for team sports and activities
Stay committed to the core curriculum, but enhance it with other interests your child has.
Make sure to keep your kid engaged.
I always wondered about options for socializing your kids while home schooling.
I honestly thought about homeschooling my youngest, but my concern was that I wouldn’t be able to give him the same opportunities that I had growing up. For example, I took French in high school and in college, but what if he wanted to take Latin or German? I am sure there are resources to help when a child chooses subjects beyond what I studied, but it was a concern.
I’ve thought about home schooling especially with the COVID-19 not gettinguch better and with these schools getting shot up also..
I’ve always wondered if curriculum is helpful for homeschool preschool?
I’ve homeschool my kids since my oldest was prek age. We are on year 7 & its so hard to believe!! My biggest tip is not to try to make look like public school at home. Embrace the flexibility and make time to just have fun learning with your kids.
My question would be how do you set schedules that work and also how do you get your children to listen to your? How do you know if homeschool is right for you?
I have homeschooled my children and honestly it works best if your child is open to it. At times I did it for the wrong reasons and it did not work for that particular child. However, if the right situation it can be a wonderful experience.
What’s the best way to find teaching materials?
I have homeschooled my children. I really enjoyed it. It is not easy but is worth it. My advice is to do what works best for you as far as a schedule goes.
What are the best arts and crafts resources online?
What are some field trips for home schooling that you’d recommend.
What are some field trips for home schooling that you’d recommend.
Is it hard to stick to routine when homeschooling?
I always wondered how they did standardized testing and how it compared to classroom teaching.
I have always wondered who do you answer to? the school, the schoolboard, or no one.
Do you take field trips?
Thanks for the contest. -
I don’t have any homeschooling questions – I’m retired w/o children
How do homeschoolers fair with public-school peers regarding testing results?
What happens to kids whose parents are negligent or incompetent in homeschooling?
My question is how do homeschooled kids find other kids to socialize with ?
What is the best way for home schooled kids to meet others and socialize? I believe some social interaction is important.
So many people are excited about this movie.
HOW to get past the red tape and resistance from the school!
How do you find in-person homeschool groups?
Social activities seem more important to home school kids and how to find them.
My question has always been are home schooled students qualified for entrance to colleges do some colleges discount homeschooling.
I’m curious is h9me schoolers have to take the standardized tests.
Is it possible for a homeschooled kid to join a school club?
I like that there are more alternatives for students instead of just going to a school that may not accept the students.
I didn’t home school but this looks very helpful to parents who do. I’ll share with my HS friends!