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When it comes to digital marketing, content is king even for niche markets. Focusing on content can help your spa services generate three times more leads. If Digital marketing content is strategic, consistent and relatable to your niche business, it can attract an intended audience, which changes into a profitable customer. Your content is a main key that can help your spa business to build trust relations with your audience.

Three things to take care of before creating content 

1. Target audience

Before you make any content, it is a must that you define your targeted audience.

It is not a wise idea to have a broad category for the audience, being niche specific helps you to be more focused on a certain group. Many spa and masseuse businesses make generalized content that does not stand out and attract a specified audience. Content is only valuable if it is targeting the right people and changing them into a valuable prospect.


  • Like if you own a massage spa, where you offer anti-aging facial massage, then your target audience must be between 30 to 40, you can target mothers and housewives in this category.


2. Area of expertise

Being niche specific for your spa services shows that you must know the areas of your expertise, you can have a spa and salon offering multiple services.

But, if you are expert in medical spa skincare services, then your content must surround it.

If you know about your niche, your competition will become less and specific and you can come on top of your competitors based on your expertise.

Right distribution channel

Once you know your targeted audience for a niche segment of your spa, you need to find out which digital communication medium they use the most. 

The difference in distribution channels can help you specify the form of content they like. It can be either blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics.

As in  my target audience for my spa is women between the age group of 35-40, with a conventional social media approach. For this, I can choose to make video content on facebook, as it is mostly used by this age group, this way i can have more targeted content.

Content ideas

Here we have a bunch of content ideas for your spa services, you can work on these ideas staying relevant to your spa niche.

  • Blogs and articles

Content is very important to attract clients to your page and the best way is to write articles or blogs related to your spa niche, which intrigues people to click and visit your site. 

Blogs and articles can give 67% more leads which can be missed if you don’t work on this content idea.

Write related to your spa services

You can write blogs on the services that your spa provides. It is important that your business services are transparent in front of your audience. 

  • If you’re writing about the massage niche of a spa you can tell about all the different types of relaxing massages you offer.


 Use infographics

While writing an article it’s a great idea to use infographics as visuals attract readers. You can explain things in a visual form and layouts.

Packages and deals

Staying updated to the upcoming events is very important that way your spa can give specific packages and deals based on global events.


  • Close to mothers day your spa niche can offer packages and deals for mothers on website with detailed content on what it includes, charges, discount rate and special treatment that will be given.

Introduce your staff and experts

It’s a great thing to introduce your staff and experts on your spa page or site. People get their services done by spa staff so it’s important for them to look presentable and kind. This makes it easier for people to trust your spa services.

  • Like if you are dealing with a niche of nail care spa. You can categorize your staff and show different experts giving the different types of nail service they are pro in. 

Customer’s testimonials

it’s really a unique idea of a content for your spa business. One happy customer can assure you many more. Because a positive review by an experienced customer can attract a lot more. 

You can specify a page for a successful customer story where they tell in their own way how effective your spa service has been.

Visual Content

Do not underestimate the power of visual content in digital marketing. 30% of our brain is after processing visual content so people are mostly visual learners. 

You can take premium quality pictures while clients are taking services. 

You can show their before and after results.

You can show the interior of your spa to attract customers. 

  • If your niche is related to massage services you can give a warm tone to your pictures and spa aesthetics.

Another form of visual content is videos, they are more impactful as it gives the most close to reality feel. 

  • You can make video answering FAQs that most of the people ask. Like timings, location, kinds of services, their details, anything.

User generated content

On social sites of your spa user-generated content is a great way of attracting customers to your spa services. UGC is content created by people who are enjoying your services and post about it on your social site page.

Ways that will make your content impactful

Till now you must have gathered a lot of content ideas for your spa services niche but how can that content be impactful?

Detailed Keyword research

Keyword research is very important before writing any content for your niche business. 

Niche based spa is more specific, though it reduces the competition but it gets hard to find keywords with less search volume as competition increases on that. 


Long-tail keywords are helpful; they are three four words based. For example “Best baby bassinets” or “crib vs bassinet”.

Remember, the more the content related to your niche on your page more will be the keywords.

Make relatable content

Research on most asked questions related to your spa niches. Like if you run a spa specifically for mothers and children you need to answer the most asked Faqs related to it in the form of an article blog or on just a FAQs page.

FAQS related to your this niche spa can be:

  • Do you have day care service while a mother gets pampered?
  • Is your childcare staff certified?
  • Can mothers to-be also avail your spa services?

Highlight your content with the help of influencers

You can not ignore the power of influencing voices which have great engagement. Every niche business can amplify their existence with the help of influencers related to your niche, the influencers can add a great boost to your promoted content.

  • If your massage spa has started a special massage package for mothers on mothers day. You can target mom lifestyle bloggers and influencers to boost it. 

Try storytelling technique

Try to add human touch to every content. Your content can be in a way as a person narrating experience, or your staff narrating an experience with a new product or a customer. Finding a human angle in the story is very important; this also helps with SEO.

Educate with your content

Educational content on your site will help you in attracting customers who have informational intent. If you provide them with informational content they can later consider your services too when needed.

 To be a thorough resource of different questions can help you to be on #1 in SERP. 

Restyle existing content 

You don’t need to keep every topic limited to one format. You can restyle the same content in different formats for them to be impactful. 

If you have written a blog on ” types of massage we are offering this summer”.

You can change that in a video too by showing a model getting them done.

As well as you can show the same thing with infographics.

Ways to analyze content


Once you have created different kinds of content for your spa services, you can analyze how is it working with the leads and traffic. 


Social media management

On social media accounts you can analyze comments, likes and shares of your spa services post and see the engagement rate. Higher engagement rate on a post or content shows that people have been influenced and can be potential clients.

Website traffic

This shows the number of visitors converting in clients, tells you about keywords people are searching for to reach your blog and how many converted into paying clients after being engaged with article posts.

Google Analytics

Its a tool connected with your business website and social accounts and can tell you about customers behavior and shows traffic.


Niche marketing is more impactful as it lowers competition and gives you a better chance to progress. These content digital marketing ideas and ways will make your spa niche stand out…!

Author Bio – Helena is an avid writer and reader, he loves to write in the parenting niche. She also writes for

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