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Most people find living in a cultivated greenspace therapeutic. Plants are known to help sharpen concentration, reduce stress levels, and even improve indoor air quality. Choosing to cultivate indoor plants may be the best decision you have made to decorate and enhance your living space.

If you are a beginner looking for the best indoor plants for an apartment, you are probably spoiled for choice from all the great-looking plants you could go with. Luckily for you, this post will help you find ones that are easier to care for and do not die easily.

Here are the best ten indoor plants that are ideal for beginners.

1. Golden Pothos

You have probably come across Golden Pothos’ other name, the devil’s ivy. This indoor plant is best described as imperishable, adaptable, and easy to grow. This plant is one of the few that can withstand extreme temperatures and stay green even in the dark. The golden pothos is the perfect plant for you if you live in a light-starved apartment but need a plant to purify your air.

2. Aloe

The aloe plant has many sub-genuses, most of which can grow as houseplants. Aloe’s attractive succulence and ease of maintenance make it a great indoor companion. Most people cultivate aloe in their apartment for two reasons: with proper care, it can live for as long as 12 years, and the juice from its leaves is an excellent topical pain reliever.

3. Prayer Plant

If you are looking for a cold-resistant indoor plant that will grow all year round in a cold climate, you should consider the prayer plant. This attractive plant does very well in high-humidity and low-light conditions. It is the perfect plant for that corner space in your apartment where light rays do not strike directly every day. The best part is that you would only need to water the plant once every one to two weeks.

4. Umbrella Plant

Schefflera arboricola, popularly known as the umbrella plant, dwarf umbrella, or parasol plant, is a beautiful large-leafed plant that grows fast and is easy to care for. If you choose to cultivate the umbrella plant, you can keep it in a bright room where its large oval umbrella-like leaves can blossom. The plant grows fast and is easy to care for but does not do so well in prolonged direct sunlight or deep shade.

5. Zebra Haworthia

Haworthias are generally small but conspicuous plants that can survive in an indoor environment with minimal care. The zebra haworthia gets its name from the white horizontal stripes on the outer part of its leaf. As a succulent, it stores water in its leaves and can tolerate direct sunlight for long periods. You could leave this plant on your apartment window when you go for holiday and you will find it flourishing when you get back.

6. Spider Plant

The spider plant is the ideal indoor plant for a lazy plant companion. It is also possibly the hardiest plant on this list. To survive, the plant only needs bright to moderate light, comfortable room temperature, and slightly moist soil watered once a week. If you care well for the spider plant’s root, it may start growing baby shoots, which can choose to leave or prune away.

7. Peperomia

If you are looking for a beautiful houseplant to keep on your desk, peperomia may be what you need. There are thousands of species of peperomia, most of which do well indoors. Their thick, waxy leaves have evolved to be drought-resistant and come in different colors, sizes, and shapes. This plant is ideal for a beginner because it is forgiving to some decent level of neglect and is not too sensitive to light fluctuations.

8. Jade Plant

The jade plant is one of the most popular indoor plants in the succulent family because it grows well indoors and outdoors. This plant can live for as long as 50 to 100 years with little care, which is why most jade plants are passed down from one generation to another. All the jade plant needs to survive is a warm and dry environment with low humidity and decent exposure to sunlight and water.

9. String of Pearls

The pretty hanging succulent is hard not to notice when you grow it in your apartment. Despite its delicate appearance, the string of pearls is a hardy plant that thrives in a warm and dry environment and requires little attention. This plant is ideal for a beginner because it is beautiful but easy to care for. Its pearl-like strands, where it gets its name, like to dry out completely, so you would not need to worry about regular watering.

10. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a common houseplant because it is beautiful and easy to grow. As a tropical plant, it can maintain its green color as long as it receives consistent sunlight, moisture, and humidity. The best part about cultivating the peace lily as a beginner is when its off-white flowers begin to bloom in the early summer. Note that the peace lily may not do so well in extreme colds, and it can be toxic, so you must keep it away from children and pets.


These plants are a few of the many houseplants that are easy to care for and are hardy enough not to need constant attention or extreme care. Take your time to compare them and choose the right plant to be your housemate. The right plant will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine. Visit for apartment listings and more ideas on how you can enhance your indoor living space.

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