Honeydew scrumptious classic pillow review

Honeydew sent me a pillow for review. All opinions are my own.

A couple of years ago I tried the Honeydew Scrumptious Side-Sleeper pillow and fell in love. I replaced it with a new one as it started to get old, and when my current one needs replaced, I’ll replace it with the exact same pillow again. I just love this pillow! 

The Scrumptious Side-Sleeper pillow has a really subtle C-shape to it, rather than being rectangular. One side is even, but the end where you rest your head has a curve in the center, so the ends of the pillow are longer than the center. This allows me to sleep on my side while having my face supported by the long edge, without having excess material jammed into my neck/shoulder area like I experience with traditional rectangular pllows.

The shape of this pillow was a big game-changer for me, but I also loved the fill. It’s the perfect mix of soft but supportive, for me. The pillow comes with a case that has a unique edge around it which helps keep the fill level of the pillow even all across the surface. I find this really nice compare to most traditional rectangular pillows that will be thickest in the center, and have less fill around the corners or edges. 

Honeydew scrumptious side sleeper pillow

I’ve told plenty of people about my love of the Honeydew Scrumptious Side-Sleeper pillow, including my boyfriend Ryan. He sleeps in a lot of different positions but I’d say he spends most of his time on his side. Initially, I thought he should love the side sleeper pillow like I do. He wasn’t a fan of the shape, though. I certainly can’t relate, but to each their own! 

Check out my Honeydew side-sleeper pillow review for more details on that pillow. 

Recently, we were given the opportunity to check out the Honeydew Classic Scrumptious pillow. This pillow has closer to a rectangular shape though the edges are rounded. It has the same awesome ribbon going around the outside of the pillow as my side-sleeper version has. This ribbon is what allows the pillow to maintain the same height across the pillow, rather than being thick in the center and shallow around the edges. 

Honeydew classic scrumptious

With Ryan’s old pillow, he’d often fold the corners over to make the edges of the pillow thick enough to suit him. With the classic scrumptious pillow, the edges maintain their thickness so he doesn’t have to fold them. He’s found the mixture of softness and support in this pillow to be the perfect mix for him. While the pillows are made with shredded foam, it’s not made from foam scraps, the way so many foam pillows are. The Honeydew brand says that their use of the same foam each time (rather than scraps) is why their pillows are soft and doughy (yet supportive!). I’ve owned other shredded foam pillows that were rather “lumpy” with obvious “chunks” of foam in various sizes and shapes throughout the pillow. That isn’t how Honeydew pillows feel at all, they have a soft, consistent feel throughout. 

Honeydew scrumptious classic pillow review

If your Honeydew pillow arrives and you find it a bit too full or a bit too thin, you can customize the fill! The stuffing can be accessed via a zipper, so you can remove stuffing to make it thinner or add more filling to make it firmer. If you want a lot of extra foam it’s available for purchase. If you want just a little more than what your pillow came with, you can contact the brand to have some sent to you. 

Honeydew scrumptious pillow filling

I will continue to by the side-sleeper version while he’ll continue to use the classic scrumptious pillow, but we both now love Honeydew Scrumptious pillows! Both of these are available in king sizes as well if desired. 

I truly love my pillow and I’m glad that I’ve officially converted my boyfriend to the brand as well. 


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