Good Ranchers american meat review

Good Ranchers sent me a curated American meat box for review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know that 85% of grass-fed beef in stores is imported? I didn’t until recently! Since 2015, companies have been able to list products as a product of the USA even if they are imported. 

Good Ranchers is a company that wanted to provide 100% American born, raised, and harvested meat. They don’t use added hormones or antibiotics, either. They work with ranches and farms who use new innovations in farming to minimize the impact on the environment and be more sustainable. They also work with ranches and farms that prioritize animal wellness and humane treatment. 

Good ranchers box review

Good Ranchers offers a variety of curated boxes. They have a just-chicken box, a just ground beef box, a couple of all-beef boxes with different cuts of beef, combo boxes and a seafood box. 

Good ranchers cattleman box

I was sent The Cattleman box for review. This is one of their all-beef boxes that includes a variety of beef cuts. The items ship in a cooler, and each cut of meat is in its own box. My shipment had five smaller boxes included. One had beef flat iron seak, another had beef bone in shortloin seak, one was ground beef, one was beef sirloin steak strips, and one was sirloin steak. If you choose a box that has multiples (like this box had 5 flat iron steaks) each will be individually packaged. This way you can thaw as many as you need or want at a time based on your family size. 

good ranchers flat iron steaks

I love how they come in smaller boxes because I was able to just leave the boxes in my freezer this way which made my freezer a lot more organized than having a bunch of loose meat packages. Plus, it’s really easy to know which cut is which if you keep them in the boxes which are labeled. 

All beef that Good Ranchers sends out is USDA Prime or Upper Choice quality – steakhouse quality! We had some of the flat iron steaks the other night and they were incredible. We’ve been really happy with the quality and the overall experience as well. 

When you buy a box from Good Ranchers, they donate 10 meals to local food banks. 

If you’re looking for a place to buy premium, American meat from more ethical farms and ranchers, Good Ranchers is a great option. 

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