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Brace yourselves; you are about to have anywhere from a handful to dozens of children in your care.
Yikes! Whether you are hosting a destination birthday party for your 8-year-old, got stuck getting your teen’s sports team to the match, or you and a group of parents joined forces to complete a field trip, transporting children of any age can be a true test of patience.

Skip the Self-Transportation
As a parent, you may feel comfortable driving kids around. That’s great, but once you start adding in kids that aren’t yours, a road can become a dangerous place. Being responsible for the health and safety of a group of kids can be challenging, and that is never something you want to experience when heading to an important event. You can skip the drama altogether and hire group transportation for your kids’
events. Here are a few benefits you will get by doing so: 

Benefits of Hiring Group Transportation for Kids

When hiring group transportation from a professional company, you are ensured consistent and reliable service. The driver will arrive as scheduled, with a planned itinerary, a deep understanding of the roads, and a professional attitude. You never have to worry about arriving late, getting lost, or a creepy rideshare driver staring at your daughter.

2. The Vehicle Will Be Clean
Despite the efforts of public transportation authorities, no bus or rideshare is ever guaranteed to be clean. After the pandemic, hygiene is a must-have quality for any type of transportation. When using a professional service, you can rest easy knowing that they have thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the vehicle before your children hop in. The only cooties your group will be exposed to are themselves!

3. Kids Have Time to Bond
Being in group transportation is an excellent way for children to bond with one another. There is a sense of camaraderie as they speed down the roads, carefree and unencumbered by the pressures of school. Whether they want to chat, play a bus game, share music, or simply look out the window, they can do so together.
Group transportation is also excellent for sports and academic teams heading to a competition. It allows members to hype each other up, connect and prepare for the upcoming battle! Plus, on the way home, kids can relax together, unwind, and have time to process the results of event in a healthy manner together that’s supervised.

4. Parents Can Relax
While driving may be second nature at this point, it doesn’t mean that having excess children in the car is safe. Children can be loud, distracting, and downright dangerous if not properly controlled, and where is the fun in that when you are supposed to be off to a fun event? Rather than stressing over distracted driving, trying to find new destinations, dealing with slow traffic, or attempting to park, parents can relax.

Plus, group transportation can be a fun way for parents to get involved. You, too, can bond with the kids, play games, make memories, or just enjoy looking out the window. You know the driver will get you and your charges where you need to be, on time, and without a hassle. All you have to do is a head count when getting on and off the bus, and you are golden!

5. Charter Buses are Modern
Private group transportation services are far more modern than they once were. Depending on the type of vehicle you book, it will likely come with a highly functioning AC, reclining seats, outlets, and other perks. If you book a big bus, it may even have a bathroom on board! On top of that, you aren’t getting cheap plastic seats like what you see on a school bus; you certainly won’t be feeling old springs under
your tush. Instead, the seats are COMFY! If you want to sit back and close your eyes for 30 minutes, that is a luxury you and the kids can all enjoy.

6. No Clean-Up

As a parent, you know what the inside of your car looks like after your kids and their friends have been sitting in the back. We are talking dirty shoes, crumbling snacks, and unidentified sludge that no one really wants to investigate. When hiring a group transportation service, cleaning is on them, not you.
Of course, you can be a kind soul and remind the kids to pick up their trash and deposit it in the bin as they depart. More than likely, they will all comply because they recognize it as a shared space rather than “mom’s car.” The crew will clean what is left behind long after you are gone, saving you valuable time, heartache, and bleach!
At the end of the day, private group transportation will save you time and stress while also providing you, the kids, and the other adults with a pleasant experience.

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