Tempur777 Tempur777 Tempur777 Edifier G5BT CAT Headphones {Gift Idea For Girls} | Emily Reviews
edifier cat headphones

Edifier sent me headphones for inclusion in my holiday gift guide. All opinions are my own. 

For most of my life, I’ve been an earbuds kinda person. I used over-ear headphones when I was around 10 and using a portable CD player. They were really tiny, with little sponge-like covers over the speakers that sat on your ears. Not at all like most modern over-ear headphones, so I’m not sure why I waited so long to retry regular headphones. 

Last year, that changed! I had a company sent me over-ear headphones and I tried them and realized I liked them a lot better than earbuds. No more struggling with getting them to stay in my ears! 

edifier cat headphones without ears

Recently, I was sent Edifier G5BT CAT headphones. These are over-ear headphones with magnetic kitty cat ears that you can add to the headphones – or leave off! I like this because I find these kitty headphones really cute, but I may not want to wear cat headphones everywhere I go. If I were taking these headphones with me to the library or something, and didn’t feel like wearing kitty headphones in public I could just take the ears off. 

I’m not well-versed in the details of how headphones work or the technology behind them. I can tell you that the brand listing says these headphones offer “Certified Hi-Res sound quality with 40mm driver to get truly immersed in game and music”. I don’t really know what the beginning of this sentence means, but I totally agree that these headphones provide an immersive experience. The headphones cover your ears and just offer a sound quality that does make you feel like the sound is occurring in the same environment as you. 

edifier headphones folded

These headphones use zero pressure space memory foam, which means they won’t apply as much pressure to your ears when being worn. As someone who wears glasses, I find that some over-ear headphones apply pressure to my ears which then can cause my ears to start to hurt as they get mushed into the arms of my glasses. These g5BT CAT headphones are designed to apply less pressure, making them more comfortable to wear longer. I don’t find that they apply no pressure, they do still press on my ears and glasses a bit, but they do seem to apply less than some other headphones I’ve owned. 

edifier headphones with mic

The cat ears have a light effect that you can use, which is super fun! If you use the light effect in the cat ears, these headphones have a 20 hour battery life. If you don’t use that light effect, that increases the battery life to up to 36 hours! These headphones reject 90% of ambient noise. They have a retractable MIC. I’m not a gamer myself so I don’t use mics in my headphones, so I love that it can totally hide away! 

These can be used wirelessly via Bluetooth, or you can connect them to your PC or other device with a wire. 

I’ve really enjoyed these headphones. They’re cute, they provide really nice sound, and I find them comfortable to wear. If you know a gamer girl, these would make an awesome gift! Or any girl or woman who likes cute headphones. They come in four colors. 

Buy it: Edifier-online.com

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