Wantdo lightweight waterproof boots

WantDo sent me boots for review. All opinions are my own. There are affiliate links in this post.

Waterproof boots are a must-have, in my view. It’s just no good going through winter with regular shoes that will get wet if you walk through snow or even rainy grass. 

Wantdo lightweight waterproof boots

While I really appreciate waterproof boots, I don’t love how most waterproof winter boots are really bulky. I just don’t think they look or feel very nice when boots are big or heavy. I was excited to see that Wantdo makes waterproof lightweight hiking snow boots for men. They actually offer some for women, too! For this review, I was sent a men’s pair for my boyfriend Ryan.

We like to go on daily walks and much of the winter that means walking through snow. Ryan has had these boots for a few weeks now and he wears them on our regular walks and sometimes to other places as well. They do a nice job of keeping his feet warm and dry, and they aren’t heavy or bulky. We like how the look is pretty basic, so they can be worn with most anything. 

He’s worn these in the snow on days that are in the low 20’s and his feet have stayed warm and dry. I like how they can be used as snow boots or hiking boots in cold weather. They have nice, thick traction on soles with an anti-slip property to them. It’s a bit hard to gauge how much of an impact the anti-slip property has, but Ryan hasn’t slipped yet, if that means anything to you.

The insole is said to encourage air circulation. Ryan’s feet don’t really tend to get sweaty so he hasn’t really noticed these being more breathable than other shoes he’s owned, but this feature may be helpful for those who tend to get sweaty feet. 

They are available in black or gray. These are currently on sale on Amazon for $49.99, and I think they’re a really awesome buy at that price. I wouldn’t typically expect boots at that price to be waterproof like these are. 

Wantdo lightweight waterproof boots

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