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Self-confidence ebbs and flows. Some days you may feel like royalty, and other days you may feel like a weird little lizard. Fostering innate confidence can feel like a mysterious lifelong battle. But it doesn’t always have to be so nebulous. In this article, we’ll showcase the ways in which taking care of your teeth can lead to a more confident you. With this in mind, hopefully you’ll spend more days in a confidence crown than you do wandering the desert feeling like a hapless lizard.

Helps you nail your first impressions

Look, none of us necessarily like it, but first impressions matter. And though we all wish the world operated differently, the way we present ourselves greatly impacts the way we are perceived. It isn’t right and it isn’t fair, but that’s the way it is. Luckily, the world has evolved in recent years and the definition of beauty has become less narrow and limited. It seems there are more looks to rock than ever. When worn with confidence and intention, there’s practically no wrong way to style yourself. 

Your ideal smile may not be the same as the next person’s. Some people want an aligned smile, others want to sport a Lauren Hutton tooth gap. Some people want a Hollywood white smile, but others seek a more natural look. Some people prefer the look of shorter, square teeth, while others want length. The most important thing is that your smile represents your desired look. 

Thankfully, you’re in a better position to choose your look than ever. The cosmetic dentistry industry has been turned on its head in recent years, making treatments far more accessible. One notable advancement in this field is the use of porcelain veneers, a solution for those seeking to enhance their smile’s aesthetics. Porcelain veneers, offered by practices such as Lowenberg, Lituchy & Kantor, can provide a durable, stain-resistant, and natural-looking option for those wanting to customize their smile. Whether you want to whiten, align, or debut a totally new set of pearly whites, exploring options like porcelain veneers could be a valuable part of your journey.

Where does the accessibility come in? Well, these treatments cut out in-person appointments, which stops them from being a massive investment of both time and money.

Whitening kits, at-home clear aligners and snap-on veneers can transform your smile on your terms. And with financing and payment plan options, it’s likely these treatments won’t break the bank. When you move through the world with a smile you chose, you’ll present yourself with palpable confidence and make a stellar first impression.

No more self censoring 

If you’re self conscious about your smile, a great deal of your mental energy is expelled making sure it stays hidden. Maybe when you burst out laughing, your hand shoots up to hide your smile. Maybe you force a close mouthed smile when you feel compelled to grin from ear to ear. All of these little moments add up, and can take a mental and emotional toll over time. 

If you get your smile to a place that you want, you’ll slowly let these habits go. After a lifetime of covering your smile in moments of joy, it may take you a while to fully stop censoring yourself. But once you do, you’ll be able to freely smile and be in the moment. This is the gift of renewed bandwidth and mental energy. Being present takes confidence, and when you’re smiling freely you’ll be radiating pure confidence.

So long, breath insecurity 

We’ve all done the panicked, basically fruitless breathe-into-the-palm check to see if our breath was suitable, only to be derailed by a fragrant hand soap. It’s no fun to spend an evening with a friend or date worried your breath is tormenting them. Here’s a top secret piece of dental world intel: most bad breath is due to poor oral hygiene. Sure, garlic is a major collaborator — but bad breath is most often related to oral hygiene.

By making oral hygiene a high priority, you can eliminate all of the breath guesswork. With a flawless brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping ritual, there won’t be any breath related surprises spoiling your confidence. 

We know you’ve heard this a million times but it always bears repeating: you need to be flossing daily, and brushing your teeth twice a day. Even when you don’t want to! Even when you are sleepy! 

In order to combat bad breath you could also benefit from throwing a tongue scraper into the mix. This device does precisely what its name promises: it scrapes tongues. These devices are highly affordable and you can pick one up at most drugstores. Simply place it at the back of your tongue and gently pull forward, scraping all your breath insecurities away with it. Then just rinse and repeat! 

Without breath insecurities you won’t spend your days talking in a weirdly quiet voice, trying desperately to keep your breath from hitching itself to the wind and accosting your companion. Without breath anxiety spirals, there’s no doubt you’ll present as more centered and confident. 


Confidence is a struggle for everyone. But by taking the fate of your smile into your own hands, you can own your look and exude pure confidence. Everyone’s journey to their dream smile will be different since everyone’s dream smile is different. We hope that after this piece you feel compelled to take the first step to owning your smile.

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