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New moms have enough on their hands without having to worry about the unexpected aches and pains of postpartum life. With all the joys and new “firsts” of motherhood, moms want to feel as present and as agile as their bodies and minds will allow.

Thankfully, technology has advance greatly in the field of pain management and there are now gadgets geared towards pain management that make the perfect gift and aren’t too expensive – helping new moms feel a whole lot better.

Red Light Therapy Products
Almost anyone that has looked into more natural methods to reduce pain has probably heard of red-light therapy or LED therapy. These therapies have been clinically shown to relieve pain temporarily while being non-invasive and without the potential long-term negative side effects possible with some prescription medications.

Specifically, the therapy works by reducing inflammation and inflammatory biochemical markers. This makes it an effective temporary pain solution, especially for those with poor circulation and pain from inflammation such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always practical to go to physical therapy for treatment. It can be hard to schedule time for an appointment, time-consuming to get there (especially as a new mom), and expensive to go regularly.

However new technology has now made it possible to get the best benefits of red-light therapy right from the comfort of your home. Small in size, these are targeted at certain body parts, instead of being whole-body treatments.

Examples are the Curalight Body and Joint therapy devices. These two products are under $200 and focus on the back and shoulders, knees and elbows, and other common joints. By choosing one of these products, you can help the new mom in your life to feel better whenever they need a healthy, non-medicated pain reducer.

Epsom Salts
Epsom salts can also help with chronic pain and inflammation. If the mother in your life has a nice, deep bathtub, then they may appreciate some salts to soak in. Dr. Teal’s even offers a mother’s day set, which comes with three packs focused on pain relief. They contain herbs such
as rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, and lavender to reduce muscle and joint pain, and soothe the mind. They can even help with getting to sleep.

For some people, CBD oil and hemp cream may have a negative association, because of their known relationship to marijuana. However, they are both free of hallucinogenic properties, and clinical studies have shown them to help with both internal and external pain.

Cream versions can help with joint and muscle pain, and oils and drops can help with some external symptoms, as well as cramps and aches from the inside.

Arvesa makes a hemp cream that focuses on muscle, joint, back, and knee pain. In addition to hemp, it also contains MSM, glucosamine, arnica, and turmeric, which all help with common body pains and aches.

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