This ‘3 Essential Oils To Save Your Sleep Schedule This Daylight Savings’ post is sponsored by Young Living. As always, all opinions are my own. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Do you have your calendar marked yet? The dreaded Daylight Savings Time is happening November 5th! I always struggle with the time change, whether it’s spring ahead or fall back. It seems to throw our schedule off for at least a few days, especially when we have younger children.
3 Essential Oils To Save Your Sleep Schedule This Daylight Savings
With Daylight Savings quickly approaching, there also comes a change in sleep schedule. I’ve found some great essential oils to help those facing chronic sleep issues or wanting to ease the transition.
I’ve been a customer of Young Living Essential Oils for two decades and absolutely love their products. Today, I’m sharing three of their products that you can use to help reset your own internal clock as Daylight Savings nears on November 5th.
For Those Needing More Energy
For those looking to feel more energized, Young Living’s En-R-Gee Blend is packed with an invigorating combination of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Idaho Grand Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper. A few drops applied topically or diffused in a diffuser can give you a natural boost when sleep struggles bring your energy down.
I find this oil to be helpful all year round, especially when I’m feeling ‘mom-tired’.
For Those Needing Sleep Help
For those who need help improving sleep quality, Young Living’s Lavender Oil and Peace and Calming Blend both offer tranquil aromas that soothe the senses and creates a peaceful environment. Diffuse a few drops or add it to a bath to help wind down in the evening and get your body ready for bed.
Benefits Of Essential Oils Are Many
Essential oils are concentrated extractions from plants. Yes, they smell great but they are also very beneficial too! Different oils can provide help in a variety of areas. They have been credited to helping in many areas including:
- reduce stress
- treat fungal infections
- help you sleep
- promote relaxation
- clear sinuses
- reduce nausea
- increase happiness
- improve concentration
- boost alertness
- reduce headaches
- increase focus
- decrease stress
- reduce anxiety
- + so much more!
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Shop Young Living Essential Oils On Amazon
I’m a city girl turned country by my awesome husband and we have three busy boys and two darling daughters. I love spending time with my family, reading Karen Kingsbury novels, and catching up with friends while our kiddos have play dates. I’m blessed beyond measure and can’t wait to see what God has in store.
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This post currently has 7 responses.
Very interesting I have never tried these oils. The energy one I really need. The time change does not really bother me, don’t like it but. It is just me and I am retired so extra hour one way or the other not a big deal.
Peace and Calming Blend would be perfect for me to try. I am sure a lot of people would benefit from this.
I use essential oils for cleaning and soapmaking. I am interested in trying the relaxing ones for sleep.
Daylight savings messes with my sleep schedule so having a natural way like the peace and calming blend, to relax and sleep better is helpful.
Thank you for this great information. I have sleep issues throughout the year and am always looking for products that will help.
Will have to look into these tips more this weekend. I always have trouble with daylight savings time.
These are some great tips! It takes to me about two weeks to get used to the time change. I do use lavender a lot and I think it does help me rest.