The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway (+ $500 Donation Giveaway TOO!)

Many thanks to GoodWorks Mission, LLC for providing a sample of  ‘The Christian Capitalist Book’ to help facilitate this review.  As always, all opinions are 100% my own.

Looking for a new summer read, order your copy of The Christian Capitalist on their website or Amazon today!

The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway (+ $500 Donation Giveaway TOO!) (2)

The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway (+ $500 Donation Giveaway TOO!)

How much consideration do you give to your finances?  Most of us strive to be successful in life, and that may mean different things to different people, but have you truly thought about what God wants too? 

The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway (+ $500 Donation Giveaway TOO!) (2)


The Christian Capitalist explores various scriptural references that support twin pillars of Christian belief:

1) working hard to make a productive benefit from talents and materials that God has provided all people; and

2) giving generously to share those benefits with our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ.

Through a discussion of Holy Scripture, it analyzes various passages that relate to these concepts of productivity and generosity, along with two thousand years of history discussing the good works of Christians as examples. Ultimately, this book develops a philosophy that is uniquely Christian and capitalist: the Gospel of Hard Work and Generous Giving!

The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway (+ $500 Donation Giveaway TOO!)

This book was an easy read for me and I loved the information and point of view portrayed.  The Christian Capitalist is a great reminder that going to church isn’t the only way to worship God. By working hard and giving to others, everyone can share the blessings God has given.  Definitely add this book to your must read list!

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$500 GoodWorks Mission Giveaway!

Here’s your chance to win $500 that will go to the winners’ choice of a Christian US-based ministry/organization!  The form to enter this giveaway is RIGHT HERE.

The Christian Capitalist Book Review And Giveaway

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One lucky Emily Reviews reader will win their very own copy of The Christian Capitalist book, valued at $10!  This giveaway is open to the Continental US only, just enter the widget below for your chance to win.  Good luck!

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