Catalyst pet soft wood cat litter review

Catalyst pet sent me soft wood litter for review. There are affiliate links in this post. All opinions are my own.

Catalyst pet soft wood cat litter review

I’ve already had my cat Pepperoni for over a year. It feels like just yesterday that we were bringing her home! It’s been a great year getting to watch her grow from a 2-lb kitten to a full-sized fluffy cat! I had pet cats as a kid, but Pepperoni is the first cat that I’ve had since becoming an adult and it’s been a really awesome experience. 
Longhaired cat

For the first year, I just used standard cat litter. To be honest, I just didn’t put much thought into it! When Catalyst Pet reached out talking about how they had made changes to their wood litter, I was curious to check it out. Their litter is made from clean unused wood fibers sourced from wood waste. Plus it is biodegradable and compostable! 

Catalyst pet soft wood cat litter review

Catalyst’s soft wood cat litter smells a bit like sawdust or like the inside of a Lowes, Menards or other store that sells lumber. Out of pure curiosity, I decided to try touching the litter with my fingers before putting it in the litter box for the first time. I thought it might feel just like sawdust, but it doesn’t. It is soft to the touch, and light, but not as fine or “dusty” as sawdust. 

Soft wood cat litter

I was curious how Pepperoni would react to this litter, as she’s only ever experienced traditional litters. Usually when I scoop her litter or do a full pan clean out, as soon as I am done she is eager to use the litter box to mark it as ‘hers’ again, I think. So, I was a bit concerned when she didn’t immediately use the litter box after I switched out our old litter for the new soft wood litter. I worried that might mean she was hesitant to try it. However, it just took a couple of hours and then she used it without any changes in her behavior. What I mean by that is, she didn’t hesitate to get into the box, to squat and so on. I think if the texture or anything else about the litter had bothered her, she would have shown some reluctance in her body language but she acted completely normal once she decided to use it. Catalyst Pet labels their litter as having unrivaled cat acceptance – and that did seem to be the case for Pepper! 

We’ve been using it for a few weeks now and I’m really happy with it. It does a good job of containing odors as long as she covers her #2’s of course. It clumps well, making it quite easy to scoop. When choosing between brands or types of traditional litters in the past, I had avoided certain litters that claimed to be clumping but would actually fall apart when I tried to scoop the clumps. To me, it kind of defeats the purpose of clumping litter if the clumps don’t hold together when you’re trying to scoop them! So, I was glad that this clumped really well.

Soft wood cat litter

It feels like the litter lasts longer than traditional litter as well. I have never specifically timed how long litter lasts between cleanings, I’ve just always scooped daily and kept an eye on how the remaining litter appeared. It seems like it’s been quite a while though, so Catalyst Pet’s claim that each 10lb bag of litter lasts 2 months. They also say that 1lb of their soft wood litter is equivalent to about 4lbs of traditional clay litter. They say that due to how long it lasts, their litter costs about the same per use as popular traditional litter. How cool is it that you can get all the benefits of a more sustainable litter without paying more? 

Catalyst Pet offers their litter in an unscented version, a healthy cat version, and a multi-cat version. 

Buy it: You can shop on or

catalyst pet cat prize pack giveaway

Win it: Catalyst Pet is offering a prize pack for one person! The prize package includes: One bag of their all-wood cat litter, a premium litter scoop, a sisal tracking mat and compostable poop bags! This is almost a $100 value! This giveaway is open to the US and will end 8/3/2024. 

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