blinc vegan and cruelty free cosmetics

Blinc Cosmetics sent me product samples for review. All opinions are my own.

I have short, sparse eyelashes so I’ve always wanted to wear mascara when wearing makeup. For years, I’ve struggled with finding a mascara that would work for me. Most any mascara I tried would cause my eyes to itch and water. Sometimes the mascara would seem okay while inside, but the second I stepped outside with mascara on, my eyes would start watering. 

It didn’t make much sense to me how orw hy being outside would impact my mascara, so for a long time I tried considering that the excessive watering of my eyes was just caused by an allergy to something outside. However, over time I found that it was definitely only happening when I was wearing mascara so it couldn’t be just an allergy to pollen or similar. 

I had heard of tubing msacara before, but I had heard about it being great for women with oily skin who have their mascara run due to their eye area being oily. I have dry skin so this wasn’t a problem for me, and I hadn’t considered trying tubing mascara as a result. 

So, when Blinc Cosmetics reached out and referenced their tubing mascara being good for sensitive eyes, I was curious, but to be honest, not very hopeful. I had already tried over a dozen mascaras so I had mostly given up on even being able to find a mascara that would work for me. I decided to give it a try though. 

before blinc tubing mascara

Before using Blinc tubing mascara is above, and after using Blinc tubing mascara is below. 

blinc tubing mascara review

I have found that it works GREAT for me. I am so excited to finally have a mascara that I can wear without my eyes watering like crazy. In short, tubing mascara is a type of mascara that forms a seal around the exterior of your eyelashes so it creates a lengthening or even extension type of look. To remove, it requires a little water and a little bit or rubbing, but I find it pretty easy to remove when I am trying. I have not had trouble with the mascara coming off during the day with light touching or light eye-watering.  The Blinc Cosmetics tubing mascara is the first mascara I’ve owned that I know will not irritate my eyes and that makes it such a gem for me!

They also sent me their tubing eyeliner, which is somewhat similar. It goes on liquid but once dry it stays in one piece so you rub it off and it will often slide off in one piece. It’s definitely different from regular eyeliners that I have tried. I am not one to usually wear eyeliner due to my eyes being severely hooded and small, but if I were to use eyeliner this would be one I’d consider using regularly. 

blinc cosmetics

They also sent me their eyebrow mousse. I have dark hair but sparse eyebrows. The eyebrow mousse has an applicator that is similar to a mascara wand so you’re able to brush the mousse onto your brows. It holds them into place and adds a little bit of color, while still giving are really natural look. I have enjoyed using this mousse in addition to a brow powder or brow pencil. The mousse has become a go-to in my makeup routine just like the mascara! 

Win it: One lucky winner will receive a set of three cosmetic products from Blinc. These will include the tubing mascara, tubing eyeliner, and brow mousse all in your choice of shade. To enter, fill out the GT form below by 11:59pm EST on 9/24/2024. 

Entry Form


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